Xylem Analytics Blog

  • 2/11/2025
  • Xylem Lab Solutions

Photometry Handbook: Theory and Practice tipps (PDF)

In our photometry handbook you will find all our expert knowledge on the subject of photometry. On 40 pages you will learn practical knowledge about photometry measurement.more

  • 6/23/2024
  • Xylem Lab Solutions

Oxygen Handbook: Theory and Practice tipps (PDF)

This handbook wants to give some understanding of the measurement technology by practical tips, support users and allow interested people learning about the principles of measurement.more

  • 6/3/2024
  • Xylem Lab Solutions

Visco Handbook: Theory and Application of Viscometry (PDF)

The subject of this Visco Handbook is viscometry with glass capillary viscometers. Viscometry deals with the determination of viscosity and is a branch of rheology.more

  • 5/1/2024
  • Xylem Lab Solutions

Refractometry Handbook: Theory and Practice of Refractometry (PDF)

The first part of the book deals with the basic optical principles common to most refractometers in current use. This is followed by an appendix, which explains in greater detail some of the material of the earlier text. The appendix also deals with specific refractive index measurements applied to various types of material.more

  • 3/25/2024
  • Xylem Lab Solutions

Titration Handbook: A guide with helpful practical tips (PDF)

On 192 pages it offers a compact introduction to the theory and practice of titration. The Titration handbook combines application information with the practical laboratory experience of our titration experts. more
