As governments across the globe look to sustainable energy sources in an attempt to reduce carbon emissions, many are turning to the process of Anaerobic Digestion as part of their green energy strategy to compliment already existing solar and wind turbine programs.
Take a look at our case study to learn how Xylem is helping businesses manage and measure within AD Biogas production, including real-time measurement of reactor alkalinity. Did you know that the SI Analytics TitroLine® 5000 auto-titrator has a built-in FOS/TAC method and burette which can provide daily analysis of how the fermentation plant is performing.
Daily monitoring is the key to preventing plant underperformance due to an imbalance of feedstock load, not doing so can be costly both in terms of wasted time and money. Download the case study today to learn more.
Products of interest
To find out more about the products referenced within the case study please click the links below.
OxiTop measuring heads
Multi 3630 IDS digital pocket meter
TitroLine® 5000 automatic titrator
pHotoFlex® – Turb handheld meter