Extensions and holders to mount 1 to 3 IQ sensors or analog process sensors.
EH sensor holders:
EH/U 170 EX: Sensor holder for direct mounting of series 650/690/70X and 70X IQ sensors to a swing mounting assembly. Also for EX range, then with other EX accessories and EX sensors.
EH2/U 170 EX: Twin sensor holder for WTW sensors of series 650, 690, 70X and 70X IQ. Also for EX range, then with other EX accessories and EX sensors.
EH3/U 170: Triple sensor holder for WTW sensors of series 650, 690, 70X and 70X IQ
EH/SW: Single electrode holder in seawater design for direct mounting of series 650/690/70X and 70X IQ (SW) sensors
UA extensions:
Universal extension assembly (incl. handle and set of seals) for mounting of sensors
of series 650/690/70X and 70X IQ.
UA 55: length without sensor: 317 mm (12.48 in)
UA 130: length without sensor: 1067 mm (42.01 in)
UA-SO: length without sensor: selectable between 240…2600 mm (9.45…102.36 in)
UA seals:
UA/DS: Spare set of O-ring seals for UA sensor extensions of all lengths